After having no deadlines for nearly two years I am getting ready for the festive weekend at The Gallery at Avon Mill. There is all sorts of chaos with papers, glue, paints, etc going on in the studio but it feels great to have something to work towards at last and I'm learning to pace myself too I think!

A few weekends ago I managed the whole three days of a Woodcut printing workshop at Salcombe Art Club with the amazing tutor, Rod Nelson. What a joy it was, he is such a great person and teacher and I produced a print I was happy with. [ See below]
I held a workshop in my studio in October, one which had been postponed several times due to the lockdowns. Two lovely ladies joined me to learn about monoprinting. As always I'm so impressed with what students achieve in one day! I'm happy to do more next year, just contact me if you are interested.

After the Gallery weekend I shall be making mainly Christmas presents for family and generally getting ready for the festive time, but I'm planning my art events for 2022 and will post them on the website when I've got dates finalised.
The wonderful Ayse [ Think Tank Creations] has been busy working my website and you can now buy mugs, tea towels etc from here and I can post easily to the UK.
More news later, have a good day.
Maggie x
