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Life in lockdown

We are into the second week of lockdown and feel grateful to live in place where we can walk easily outside.

I must admit I was bit frozen last week, just trying to get my head around it all, ordering food locally and so on. I felt very anxious about our loved ones and our own health. I planted seeds in the greenhouse and dug over the veg patch, I baked and cleaned.

We have spoken to lots of friends, our children, grandchildren and other family. Thank goodness for What's App, FaceTime and Zoom.

Life is changing and we will come out of this with a new type of normal.

I'm hoping to regain my creative self soon, but I think it is time to be kind to one self and do what you feel like to doing when you wake up.

We have been given this time to reassess what is important to us.

Sending you best wishes. x

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